Class No |
Foot- note |
Dept | No | Sec | GE | Title | Units | Days | Time | Mode | Room | Instructor |
1171 | 84 | ANTH | 200 | 001 | GEC2 | Intro to Language Studies | 3.00 | MW | 11:00 AM -12:15PM | FACE-TO-FACE | STEV1102 | Sandy |
1029 | 78 | ANTH | 201 | 001 | GEB2 | Intro to Biological Anthro | 3.00 | MW | 09:30 - 10:45PM | SYNC | SYNC | Somani |
2643 | 1,32,84 | ANTH | 315 | 001 | Forensic Anth Theory & Practic | 4.00 | TTH | 03:00 -4:50PM | FACE-TO-FACE | STEV1207 | Boutin | |
1030 | 31,80 | ANTH | 318 | 001 | GEBU | Human Dev in Evol Persp | 3.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Jaffe | |
2644 | 32,84 | ANTH | 321 | 001 | Arch of Contact & Colonization | 4.00 | MW | 01:00 -2:50PM | FACE-TO-FACE | STEV1002 | Whitley | |
1031 | 82,84 | ANTH | 341 | 001 | GEDU | Archy of Complex Societies | 3.00 | M | 04:00 - 6:40PM | FACE-TO-FACE | STEV1202 | Cradic |
2645 | 1,32,84 | ANTH | 451 | 001 | Applied Ethnographic Methods | 4.00 | F | 01:00 -4:40PM | FACE-TO-FACE | STEV3411 | Ford | |
1032 | 2,27,84 | ANTH | 491 | 001 | Senior Seminar | 1.00 | T | 01:00 - 1:50PM | FACE-TO-FACE | SALZ1027 | Boutin | |
1033 | 33,84 | ANTH | 500 | 001 | Rsrch Dsgn, Profession, Ethics | 4.00 | F | 08:00 -11:40AM | FACE-TO-FACE | STEV3411 | Boutin | |
1034 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 578 | 001 | Project Continuation | 1.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | |||
1037 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 578 | 002 | Project Continuation | 2.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | |||
1038 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 578 | 003 | Project Continuation | 3.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | |||
1039 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 578 | 004 | Project Continuation | 4.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | |||
2646 | 33,84 | ANTH | 588 | 001 | Practicum Arch Srvy Site Rcrd | 2.00 | M | 08:00 - 9:50AM | FACE-TO-FACE | ASC0029 | Dollinger | |
2647 | 33,84 | ANTH | 592 | 001 | Practicum Eval Built Environ | 2.00 | W | 03:00 - 4:50PM | FACE-TO-FACE | STEV3506 | Murphey | |
2848 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 594 | 001 | Culm Exp Research Design | 1.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Boutin | ||
2849 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 594 | 002 | Culm Exp Research Design | 1.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Whitley | ||
1035 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 599A | 001 | Culminating Experience | 2.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Boutin | ||
1040 | 3,31,33 | ANTH | 599A | 002 | Culminating Experience | 2.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Whitley | ||
1036 | 1,3,31,33 | ANTH | 599B | 001 | Culminating Experience | 2.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Boutin | ||
1041 | 1,3,31,33 | ANTH | 599B | 002 | Culminating Experience | 2.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Whitley | ||
2846 | 31 | HD | 200 | 001 | GEE | Introduction to Human Aging | 3.00 | ARR | ASYNC | ASYNC | Abbott-Enz | |
1130 | 12,84 | HD | 322 | 001 | Politics and Ethics of Helping | 4.00 | TTH | 10:00 - 11:50AM | FACE-TO-FACE | SALZ1018B | Smith | |
2922 | 12,78 | HD | 325 | 001 | Topics in HD:Childhd & Adolesc | 4.00 | MW | 01:00 - 2:50PM | SYNC | SYNC | Ingersoll | |
2649 | 12,84 | HD | 340 | 001 | Culture of Biomedicine | 4.00 | TTH | 03:00 - 4:50PM | FACE-TO-FACE | SALZ1032 | Smith | |
1060 | 12,78 | HD | 450 | 001 | Researching the Life Course | 4.00 | MW | 10:00 - 11:50AM | SYNC | SYNC | Ingersoll |
1 - Prerequisite
2 - Open to majors only
3 - Consent of instructor
6 - Consent of graduate coordinator
12 - Open to Jr and Sr only
27 - Open to Seniors only
31 - This course is taught entirely online
32 - Open to Juniors, Seniors and Graduate Students only
33 - Open to Graduate Students only
36 - Open to Graduatin Seniors Only
75 - Hybrid course (some class meeting held online)
78 - Course is taught online - will meet online at times indicated.
80 - Completion of GE Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4)
82- UD D Requirements (Completion of GE Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4) with a C- or better, completion of LD D requirements and at least 45 units.)
83 - Online Bisynchronous
84 - Face to Face class
85 - Face -to-Face Hybrid split