Student Resources
Anthropological Studies Center
The department’s Anthropological Studies Center provides students with the opportunity to participate in prehistoric and historical archaeology, geoarchaeology, the conservation and analysis of archaeological materials, local history, and public outreach in the context of grant and contract-aided research projects. The Center has more than 5,000 square feet of archaeological laboratory and curation facilities and is supported by a professional staff. Internships for graduate and undergraduate students are offered regularly.
Northwest Information Center
The Northwest Information Center, an adjunct of the State Office of Historic Preservation, manages historical records, resources, reports, and maps; supplies historical resources information to the private and public sectors; and compiles and provides a referral list of qualified historical resources consultants. In addition to archaeologists and other anthropologists, participating faculty in the CRM program include historians, geographers, soil scientists, and environmental planners. Internships for graduate and undergraduate students are offered regularly.
David A. Fredrickson Anthropology Laboratory
The department’s anthropology laboratory has multiple iPads and a computer configured for linguistic applications, including the analysis and transcription of audio and video data. In addition, the department’s human skeletal material and fossil cast collections (which include cranial and post-cranial material) are also housed in the anthropology lab and are regularly used in biological anthropology and archaeology courses. This lab is used for methods courses in all anthropological subfields.
Anthropology Scholarships
The Conni Miller Memorial Scholarship is available to all Anthropology majors. Students conducting primate behavior research with SSUPER can apply for a Marcia K. Brown memorial primatology scholarship. Contact the Scholarship Office for information.